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Speeches & Seminars

If you are looking for a keynote speaker or need to put together an event for an association, conference or industry meeting, WorldWide Connect just might be your answer.  With a variety of seminars tailored to the needs of a diverse cultural audience, we share a world of understanding and value that communicating across cultures can provide.

Let us empower, entertain, and inform your audience with topics such as:

  • Living and Working Successfully in a Cross-cultural World
  • Global Leadership: What Does it Mean?
  • Riding the Waves of Change
  • Is Your Life a Puddle or an Ocean?
  • A World of Understanding
  • Your Passion, Your Success
  • Building a World Class Workforce
  • Passport to Global Business Success

For more details about what our seminars can do for you, contact WorldWide Connect®   today!


Register for China/US Seminars

Passport to Success: China/US Cultural Business Seminars

Would you like to work more effectively with your Chinese & US counterparts? Do you understand the diverse business customs and practices when conducting business in China and the USA? WorldWide Connect offers cross-cultural business training seminars that provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to help you & your organization to build better relationships & conduct business effectively with your Chinese/US clients, suppliers, partners and employees.

WorldWide Connect can offer the following two seminars on request to be delivered at a location of your choice. Each workshop will cover such topics as business etiquette and protocol, cross-cultural communication skills, and effective negotiation techniques. Programs can be delivered in China or the United States.

  • “Working Effectively with Your Chinese Counterparts”
  • “Working Effectively with Your US American Counterparts”

For additional information, please contact or +1-515-226-1114.